RevIvel’s Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday evening 22nd November at St Marys Church Hall, Baldock.
The meeting was exceptionally well attended, and the committee would like to thank all those members and supporters that came along.
Chair Nick Rogers opened proceedings and welcomed everybody.
Kathryn Mackenzie presented a report on the past year’s events and successes.
Tony Woodman presented the financial statement for the year and an update on membership levels.
Beth Hall presented Revivel’s future plans for 2024.
The keynote speaker was Jon Balaam from The Greensand Trust who gave a very interesting and informative talk on ‘The importance of communities in river restoration’ explaining that the catchment based way is to work together, aiming for healthier rivers, richer in wildlife valued by all.
Following the meeting Chair Nick Rogers produced RevIvel : The Hightlights of 2023
Next years Annual General Meeting will be held at Radwell Village Hall on November 19th 2024.