Revivel met with key people from Anglian Water on 7th April 2022 and also with representation from NHDC. Key updates were as follows:
- Measures have been implemented to smooth flow/ reduce stress on the weakened section of pipe (rising main) in Norton Road – which if you remember has burst three times in the last year. RevIvel has also been asking for a more robust and longer term fix. Anglian Water (AW) advised that it is evaluating the following options: (a) installing a temporary overland main, (b) a new rising main or (c) inserting a steel liner. It is envisaged that the preferred solution could be implemented within six months subject to permissions
- Misconnections and leaky pipes: after viewing the “foul accumulation” by the outflow pipe behind the pumping station in the Ivel Springs Nature Reserve, AW acknowledged that it is evident that there is a problem. Revivel believes that an entire road in Baldock might be misconnected and a site visit with the AW team is to be organised promptly. All agreed to work together to raise awareness about misconnections generally and promote remedial action. AW agreed to share the following information: analysis of sediment samples, sewerage maps and travel pathways through the aquifer, as well as Environment Agency contacts
- Citizen Science: a collaborative approach was talked about with the potential of training and financing of monitoring equipment
- WINEP funding package: AW invited input from Revivel to help shape where to target future investment. RevIvel would be pleased to have input
In summary, this was the first meeting with Anglian Water. It is a promising start. Revivel will continue to follow up to ensure forward progress and that agreed actions are delivered.