RevIvel’s Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday evening 1st November and the committee would like to thank everyone that came along and those that passed on their apologies.
The formal minutes are available and can be seen by clicking onto the link below
As an overview the highlights of the meeting were
1 Bernard Butt, RevIvel’s chairman, welcomed members and supporters to the meeting and introduced the committee members and guest speaker, Charles Rangeley–Wilson.
2 The minutes of last year’s AGM meeting were formally approved.
3 Kathryn Mackenzie provided an overview of RevIvel’s key activities and achievements over the past twelve months and her presentation can be seen by clicking onto the link below.
Annual report extract Nov 2022 vFinal
The Lawson report was by far the most important part of the presentation and more information about the report can be seen by clicking onto the link below.
John Lawson Report Nov 2022 vFinal
A second meeting was held on 21st October with Affinity Water, Anglian Water, The Environmental Agency, Water Resources East, RevIvel representatives supported by Charles Rangley-Wilson and John Lawson to discuss the proposal within the Lawson Report.
It is important to be aware that the water industry operates in five-year cycles known as Asset Management Plans (AMP). We are in AMP7 now and the next cycle is AMP8 (2025 – 2030).
The key takeaways of the meeting were
– Anglian and Affinity Water agreed to work together on a joint project for The Ivel
– A desk-based feasibility study is being planned in 2023. Regardless of findings, the next step would be…
– A site-based feasibility study in AMP8. If viability is confirmed, hopefully the next step would be…………..
– John Lawson’s recommended solution could be implemented in AMP8
The next meeting to follow this up is being scheduled for early December.
Whist the conclusion could be taken as positive there are a lot of ‘ifs’ and ‘maybes’ along the journey and the time period for any definite action is long term.
We will continue to campaign for this solution and consider what the next steps of the strategy are, to try and speed up the process.
4 As part of the formalities of the meeting
– The financial statement 1st November 2021 to 31st October 2022 was approved
– Five trustees were elected
– A new chairman was elected. After three years Bernard has decided to step down and we would like to pass on our thanks and appreciation for all the time and energy he has devoted to RevIvel’s cause over those three years. Bernard will continue as a committee member.
– RevIvel’s Patron, Nick Rogers was elected as the new chairman, and we wish Nick every success in his new role.
5 Beth Hall presented RevIvel’s focus for 2022 /2023 and Beth’s presentation can be seen by clicking onto the link below.
RevIvel next steps Nov 2022 vFinal 2
6 The highlight of the meeting was guest speaker Charles Rangley -Wilson’s presentation on ‘The National Chalk Stream conservation strategy and River Ivel’s place in it’.
For more information about chalk stream strategies CaBA’s ( Catchment Based Approach ) Chalk Stream Strategy can be found following the below link . This calls for chalk streams in England to be given enhanced status.
7 Date for next year’s diary is RevIvel’s next Annual General meeting on November 21st 2023.